Discover the free training resources to improve well-being of pupils and staff at school
This project offers freely available tools and training methodology to schools and teacher trainers wishing to work on the well-being of students and teachers in primary and secondary schools.
STEP 1: Measure the levels of Wellbeing at school
Discover the Toolkit for measuring wellbeing at school. Use the set of resources to conduct activities at school and check the levels of wellbeing before potential intervention strategies can be identified.
STEP 2: Use the training modules to upskill the school community
Explore the 5 Training Modules composed of guides and practical resources. They offer a comprehensive methodology which will allow you to understand better wellbeing at school, support young people and school staff, organise professional development for staff and teachers and implement lasting school policies.
STEP 3: Get inspired by international case studies
This project is co-funded by the European Union in the context of its Erasmus+ initiative and is run by a team of 6 educational institutions coming from 3 EU countries, Norway and the United Kingdom.
Project Number: 2020-1-UK01-KA201-078945
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