Batley Girls’ High School is a girls’ only secondary school for students aged 11-19. It is part of the family of schools which make up the Batley Multi-Academy Trust, which has over 3375 primary and secondary students and 484 staff in total. The school is truly comprehensive, offering Academic and Applied routes. Students have access to a wider range of developmental opportunities as the school promotes a lifelong love of learning and personalised experience.
edEUcation Ltd. is a UK-based education consultancy with expertise in working on international education programmes. The company is also experienced in developing online training tools and training programmes for professionals. The philosophy of the company is to demonstrate effective improvement through practical activity.
EduACT is one of Greece’s leading youth-serving non-profit advancing STEM education. EduACT combines the rigour of STEM learning with the fun and excitement of traditional sports and the inspiration that comes from community through programs that have a proven impact on learning, interest, and skill-building inside and outside of the classroom. Research, playful learning and fun are put together to equip young individuals with useful skills for future citizens.
CPIFP Bajo Aragón (Centre Public Integrated of Vocational Training) is an educational centre for Vocational Training placed in Alcañiz (Teruel) a very rural area of Northern Spain. It is the main provider for VET and Adult education in the region but is also located on a complex of schools and works closely with the Primary and Secondary schools on the same campus, sharing the vocational curriculum with the Secondary school.
Lillestrøm VGS is a state run upper secondary school. The school is a recognized institution to cater for the introductory programme for minority speaking students (refugees, asylum seekers, children of migrant workers), typically from Asia, The Middle East and Africa, as well as Eastern Europe. Another area of expertise is in providing a special 4-year programme for students who need to spend four years completing their high school diploma due to psychological health issues.
The Silves Secondary School is the headquarters of the Silves School Group. The school is characterised by its multicultural character, as well as certain remoteness, which are addressed by the teachers in various ways, sharing expertise across the 13 schools of the group.
This project is co-funded by the European Union in the context of its Erasmus+ initiative and is run by a team of 6 educational institutions coming from 3 EU countries, Norway and the United Kingdom.
Project Number: 2020-1-UK01-KA201-078945
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